################################################################################ # ############ . * . ############ # # ############ (SALEM) WCL-XDM README ############ # # ############ ^^^ ############ # ################################################################################ The WCL scripture and related XDM configuration that are specifically designed for use with Witch City Linux are included in the Salem installation. Reboot, shutdown, and session selections are accessible from the XDM greeter, much in the same manner they are in any other display manager. That is to say, you can point-and-click your way to your desired desktop session if it is installed. ** ************ *** ** INSTALLATION *** ** ************ *** This is a local-only configuration (laptop, PC), so remote access is not coded into the setup. The WCL-XDM scripts and configuration install to the /usr/lib/WCL directory, and are accompanied by a wcl-xdm.service file that sets up residency at /usr/lib/systemd/system. To activate it, install XDM and run these commands: # systemctl set-default graphical # systemctl enable wcl-xdm ** ************* *** ** CONFIGURATION *** ** ************* *** The default image and logo is Salem_Harbor.jpg and Bewitch-Silhouette.xpm, respectively. The default reboot/shutdown splash is Salem-Blue.png. All are located in the /usr/share/WCL directory. Additional XDM login screen images are available at the WCL/Salem Sourceforge location. The PRESENTATION file located at /usr/lib/WCL/XDM lists the modifications available for tweaking of the login screen. If you wish to use no background image, please modify use_imager="" to use_imager="no". The color theme is defined by the following variables: endcaps_color, midriff_color, and textual_color. By default, these values are "#00223e", "DodgerBlue4", and "Black", respectively. The endcaps_color sets the background shade for the 2 outside bars, which are actually xclock at top of the screen, and xmessage at the bottom. Furthermore, those values describe the display color theme w/o a background image. The midriff color is, technically, the background color of the entire screen, only the center is visible due to the xclock and xmessage programs. If an image is set, those colors switch values. Obviously, textual_color is the color setting of the text, or foreground color. There is only one, so it remains the same whether using a background image or not. That might change down the line. In the meantime, choose an appropriate color coordination when modifying. The "wmselections" variable can be modified to list the desktop sessions of your choice. It must include a list of window manager binary names, or acceptable aliases (see PRESENTATION), separated by commas. The REBOOT and POWERDOWN are automatically added. Alternatively, an immediate, subsequent session can be set within a current session with this wcl command: wcl -X . Other modifications can be found in the Resource.db (Xresources) and xdmrc (xdm-config) files, which are located within the same directory. ** ********** *** ** NAVIGATION *** ** ********** *** To select a desktop session, click on its button. Click again to de-select a choice. If no session is selected, you will be taken to your previous session upon login. If no previous session exists, the session defaults to Twm. The REBOOT and POWEROFF operations wait 3 seconds (default) before activation. ** ********* *** ** SCRIPTURE *** ** ********* *** wcl-xdm : Handles the XDM login screen display, power controls, and desktop session selection. wcl-xdm_assign : The GiveConsole/Xstartup equivalent script for WCL-XDM. wcl-xdm_reclaim : The TakeConsole/Xreset equivalent script for WCL-XDM. wcl-xdm_session : Temporarily sets the immediate, subsequent desktop session for XDM. wcl-xdm_setup : Xsetup equivalent script for XDM. Starts wcl-xdm in the background. ** ******* *** ** RELATED *** ** ******* *** FAILSAFE_ : Safety net for erroneous console ownerships. PRESENTATION : The wcl-xdm configuration file. Resource.db : The Xresources file for WCL-XDM. TERMINATE_ : Kills the PIDS of programs started at the login screen (xclock, xmessage). Xaccess : Dummy file. Essentially blank because there are no remote logins permitted. xdmrc : The xdm configuration file (xdm-config) for wcl-xdm. Xserver : Local server address configuration for wcl-xdm. ** ******* *** ** SERVICE *** ** ******* *** wcl-xdm.service: The systemd service startup file for wcl-xdm. ################################################################################ # ############ . * . ############ # # ############ (SALEM) WCL-XDM README ############ # # ############ ^^^ ############ # ################################################################################