################################################################################ # ############ . * . ############ # # ############ (SALEM) WCL_SALEM-MERCY_LEWIS: FEATURES ############ # # ############ ^^^ ############ # ################################################################################ 'Mercy's condition deteriorated. As she sat before the glowing fire that evening, her chair crept toward the hearth, propelled by invisible hands.' -- Stacy Schiff, "The Working of Wonders", The Witches. ++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++ ++ The "Evil By Design" features for MARY_SIBLEY are listed below. ++++++ ++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++ * An evil dedication to a "truly" free and non-conformist environment. (Our) lonely resistance to oppressive desktop solutions marches on. * Highly-structured code allows for quick and/or large changes if needed. The direction of this project is never set in stone. * All sessions easily tailored from one central configuration. No lazy drag-n-drop autostarting. No disrespectful spreading of duplicate files over multiple directories. * No push-away approach. Hand-edited configuration is required, rendering maximum freedom and security in setting up your desktop environment. * No roundtables or outside collaboration, aside from supernatural consultance. This is a program designed by one person (me) with no ulterior motive, other than to allow oneself complete control over the session startup, and other selected tasks. * A processing manifest, internally dubbed "The Montgomery Logue," is produced for each session. Separate stdout and stderr logs. You know exactly what happened, when it occurred, and how long it took to complete. * An XDM configuration, complete with unique scripts from yours truly, that allows you to point-n-click your preferred session, as you would in the big-bloated display managers. This was designed specifically for Witch City Linux, and only available in its releases. * A clean, simple, and structured xinit scripture (wcl-xinit) to start an xession from the text console (tty1), programmed specifically for the Witch City Linux experience. * Bewitch-On-Demand or at session login. Or, simply call upon your .xinitrc script (minus the unneeded exec) to start an xsession, almost like Back-In-The-Day. * Complete control over your session startup. ++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++ ++ WCL Desktop Environment Scriptures ++++++ ++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++ ++ SCRIPTURE (22) * wcl : The master itself. The official Witch City Linux scripture kickstart. * wcl-bewitch : XSession Startup Coordinator and WCL Desktop Environment. * wcl-bewitch_aXe : A recursive acronym that stands for "Axe X Environment." Loosely based upon Elizabeth (Liz) Montgomery's portrayal of Liz(zie) Borden in 'The Legend of Lizzie Borden.' Likely, an homage to, and result of, all those slasher/horror flicks I watched, and dark metal I consumed while programming /||\` Witch City Linux. This script exits a WCL Desktop Environment by killing the leading PID of a session, or the window manager binary, and each of its Xstartups. "The little monsters at our door, Laugh at us and call us whores. Take an aXe and split their head, Laugh at them 'cause now they're dead." --Frayle, 'Monsters'- "1692" https://frayle.bandcamp.com/album/1692 * wcl-bewitch_broomstick: An app starter for evilwm that includes special commands only available with Witch City Linux. * wcl-bewitch_compositor: Painlessly switches Xcompositing On/Off. * wcl-bewitch_dispatch : The bewitch wrapper. Routes a "Bewitched" desktop session from a text console (tty1), or a display manager. Direct your xsession startup to this script from your gdm, kdm, lightdm, sddm, slim, xdm, ect... setup. * wcl-bewitch_manifest : Displays the current Montgomery Logue (Processing Manifest) in an Xmessage format. * wcl-bewitch_witchcake : Bewitch-on-demand. Purge, Stage/Transport, and view bundles. * wcl-salem_dock : Starts and sets up a simple dock (plank). * wcl-salem_lure : An M3U8 Playlist Formatter. * wcl-salem_snapshot : Takes a fullscreen desktop screenshot using feh/scrot, or Xwd/Xwud. * wcl-salem_twm : Presents a decorative version of Twm w/multiple color schemes one can switch to on-the-fly, within the same session. Automatically updates the application menu using xdg_menu, or a static menu. Compensates for xcompmgr or picom, whichever may be running, and returns Twm to a workable state after scheme updates. Eventually, (we) will be moving to evilwm, frankenwm, or something similar. The fact is, those minimal WMs don't bring stacks of garbage to the table, so one begins with a clean-slate environment. This allows the freedom to choose one's own default desktop via the numerous, wonderful package managers, such as pacman. * wcl-salem_update : Combines Reflector and Pacman to update your Arch Linux system by using the latest-available mirror lists. * wcl-xdm : An elaborate replacement of the standard Xsetup script for XDM. * wcl-xdm_assign : The GiveConsole/Xstartup equivalent script for WCL-XDM. * wcl-xdm_reclaim : The TakeConsole/Xreset equivalent script for WCL-XDM. * wcl-xdm_session : Temporarily sets the immediate, subsequent desktop session for XDM. * wcl-xdm_setup : Xsetup equivalent script for XDM. Starts wcl-xdm in the background. * wcl-xinit: : WCL's 'startx' alternative. This is the only xinit script that Salem uses now. * wcl-xinit_x : A near-replicant script, traditionally referred to as "xserverrc". * wcl-xmanuals : A one-line hack that starts xman w/o error. ++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++ ++ WCL Desktop Environment Modules (additional sourced scripture) ++++++ ++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++ ++ BEWITCH (21) * ANALYST_: Session profiling, identification, and other examination. * BEWITCH_: Bewitch Extension Module. Pre-processing, processing, staging, configuration, post-processing, and lift-off. * BUILDER_: WCL Homestead creation. * COURIER_: Shipment order delivery. * DIALOGS_: Pre-processing, processing, and post-processing documenter. * DESTINY_: XDG X11 Directory Creation and Removal. * EFFECTS_: Desktop visuals and eye candy. Compositing will merge w/wcl-compositor. * EXPORTS_: Global (system) and Local (client) environmental exports. * IMAGING_: Desktop Background Imaging and Shading. * IMPORTS_: Sources, Xresources, Xmodmaps, profiles, Xprofiles, and preferred imports. * LOGGING_: Directory, logue, and narrative creation. Bewitch module load. * MANAGER_: Coordinates session startup, allocates the work, and prepares the requisition. * MONITOR_: Session, State, "Staypuft", and PID Monitoring. * OPTIONS_: Handles the application of startup option switches. * PATCHES_: Dirty Fixes For WM Imaging (mostly), and other barriers that arise. * PACKING_: Standard package processing and order filling. * SHIPPER_: Bewitch requisition processor. "Ships" order to the desktop. * SMAGENT_: Shipment Mailing Agent. Prepares and writes out the shipment order. * SWEEPER_: Bewitch housekeeping (clean-up). * UTILITY_: Startup services and utilities. * WCLDATA_: Data structures, narratives, and other miscellaneous assignments. * REJECTS_: Error Handling. ++ DASHBOARD (4) * FAILURE_: Dashboard Error Handling. * TTYMENU_: Navigation of WCL Scripture Console (tty1). * TWMMENU_: Navigation of TWM's WCL Scripture Environment. * WCLMENU_: Navigation of WCL Scripture Environment. ++ DISPATCH (6) * DEAD_SESSION_: Handles the feedback of errors. * ENVIRONMENTS_: Adapts the session to the current X or console environment. * FRESH_REVEAL_: Prepares a new desktop environment. * LIVE_SESSION_: Launches the current desktop environment. * PRIOR_REVEAL_: Prepares the previous desktop environment. * XDM_SESSIONS_: Handles XDM sessioning for Salem. ++ TABITHA (4) * ASSEMBLER_ : Constructs a new twmrc file for Twm. * COMPOSITOR_: Halting, Stopping, Starting, and Restarting the xcompmgr and picom xcompositors. * DISPLAY_ : Tabitha's menu presentations. * REJECTOR_ : Error handling. ++ XDM (7) * FAILSAFE_ : Stops XDM and exits in the event of erroneous ownership assignment. * PRESENTATION: Settings for WCL-XDM Login Screen. * Resource.db : Xresources for XDM Login Presentation Screen * TERMINATE_ : Kills programs started at login. * Xaccess : Dummy file. * xdmrc : XDM configuration file for WCL/Salem. * Xserver : The server for the local display. ++ XINIT (5) * AUTHENTICATION_: Authorization keys creation for wcl-xinit. * CLIENT_SIDE_ : Configuration of wcl-xinit's client arguments * HOUSEKEEPING_ : Thorough clean-up of wcl-xinit. * MAIN_CALL_ : Central processing of wcl-xinit. * SERVER_SIDE_ : Configuration of wcl-xinit's server arguments, and activation of xserver. ++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++ ++ WCL Desktop Environment Configuration (sessionrc) ++++++ ++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++ ++ KEYS * WELCOME : Entrance splash screen (image). * GOODBYE : Exit splash screen w/aXe (image). * STAPLE : Default utiilties/effects for all sessions. * GLOBAL : Start a program for all sessions (xstartup). * : Start a program for a specific session (xstartup). * @ : Window manager startup options (wm_opts). * PERFORMANCE_IDLING_A-BEWITCH: Delay before activating Xstartups (secs). * PERFORMANCE_IDLING_B-DOCKING: Delay before activating Plank Dock (secs). * PERFORMANCE_IDLING_C-HACKING: Delay before a workaround is initiated (secs). * PERFORMANCE_IDLING_D-IMAGING: Delay before applying a background image (secs). * PERFORMANCE_IDLING_E-SHIPPER: The rate at which programs are delivered/started (frac/secs). * PERFORMANCE_SWITCH_A-AXE_TWM: Use the aXe scripture to exit Twm (0|1). * PERFORMANCE_SWITCH_B-BEWITCH: Bewitch on startup or on-demand (0|1). * PERFORMANCE_SWITCH_C-EFX_X11: Use Xcompositing in the desktop session (0-5). * PERFORMANCE_SWITCH_E-PATCHES: Use the WCL-supplied window manager hacks (0|1). * PERFORMANCE_SWITCH_F-DESKTOP: Start the desktop session in MINimum or MAXimum mode (0|1). * PERFORMANCE_SWITCH_G-WMSTART: Allow use of vendor-supplied start/session scripts (0|1). * PERFORMANCE_SWITCH_H-XDG_TWM: Use xdg_menu to create menus for Twm (0|1). * PERFORMANCE_SWITCH_I-XDG_WCL: Store the WCL Home directory in $HOME/.config (0|1). * PERFORMANCE_SWITCH_J-XDG_X11: Store Xorg-related directories in $HOME/(.config|.cache|.local) (0|1). ################################################################################ # ############ . * . ############ # # ############ (SALEM) WCL_SALEM-MERCY_LEWIS: FEATURES ############ # # ############ ^^^ ############ # ################################################################################